Sabado, Oktubre 1, 2011

Lesson 4: Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction

There is a lingering issue on how education technology is integrated in the teaching learning process.This is due to the fact that the mere use of the computer does not mean technology has already been integrated in instruction. For example,computer games may not relate at all to education, much less to classroom instruction.There is a need, therefore,to provide learning on how educational technology can be applied and integrated into the teaching-learning process. For this purpose, the definition given by Pisapia (1994) is helpful:
Integrating Technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce, reinforce supplement and extend skills...The difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of technology and technology users is the way their classes are conducted.In the exemplary classrooms, student use of computer is woven integrally into the patterns of teaching; software is a natural extension of student tool
Following this definition, there is NO INTEGRATIVE PROCESS if for example the teacher makes students computer games to give them a rest period during classes.Neither is there integration, if the teacher merely teaches students computer technicians or computer trainors.

If one is looking for external manifestations of technology integration into instruction. here are some:
  • There's a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted
  • The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level in such a way that could not have been achieved without educational technology.
  • There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining how and when technology fits into teaching learning process.
  • The teacher sets instructional strategies to address specific instructional respond to these instructional issue/problems.

2 komento:

  1. nice post, very informative especially to the teachers. technology should really be integrated in the teaching learning process...

  2. very creative, it help us as a becoming a teacher,
